Built a Full-stack social media application using GoLang and React with Only text as the medium of communicaton. Built all the backend functionality using Go's poerful standard library for improving performance.
Developed a solution to improve experience of using PowerShell on windows nearly as good as Linux terminal with even more flexibility and customization.
Contributed in developing an Amrita exclusive social media application built to bridge the gaps beween students of different batches. Built a good foundation and community for sustainable development.
Collaborated to develop as a software solution for women SHG's which is to be scaled to lakhs of users. Programmed a full-stack module built using Express and Flutter with basic authentication features.
Designed and developed an application for real-time control of devices over LAN among multiple clients using Socket Programming. Explored the concepts of Networking with Sockets, Multi-threading and Synchronization.
Collaborated to develop a Flutter based application for reading and listening to Ramayana.
Engineered a web based solution using Django to classify given message or email as Spam or Ham using Naive Bayes Machine Learning Technique.
Engineered a prototype based on Machine Learning which uses handwriting samples of children to predict presence of dyslexia. Achieved 95% accuracy on the available data. Won Smart India Hackathon for the year 2022.
Full Stack development using Adobe Experience Manager. Backend Development using Sling in Java. Frontend using HTL, CSS and JavaScript. Unit Testing using Junit and Mockito.
Research on applications of Artificial Intelligence in Vehicular Networks. Machine Learning using Scikit-Learn. Deep Learning using TensorFlow. Full Stack and Android development for a finance application with scalability in mind. Android UI and UX design using flutter. API development using Express.js in Node.js. Database Management using MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.